Dr. Su-Ben Tsao, renowned as the "Father of White Scar Treatment," has been lauded for his groundbreaking contributions to the global medical field. On December 14, 2023, the world's first "International White Scar Center" was inaugurated, symbolizing a major step in internationalizing white scar treatment. Dr. Tsao, a former president of the Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the Taiwanese national representative of OSAPS, highlighted that the center will not only benefit patients worldwide but also elevate Taiwan's status in international medical care with the initiative "Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar."
Legislator Lin Tai-Hua, present at the event, commended Dr. Tsao's unparalleled legacy, noting that his compassionate approach solidifies his status as the "Father of White Scar Treatment." Taiwan's influence is now recognized not only in technology but also in the medical field, where Dr. Tsao’s dedication to white scar treatment sets a global benchmark, serving as a model for future medical professionals and scholars.
全球首創《國際白疤中心》於2023年12月14午舉行隆重落成典禮剪綵,台灣美容外科醫學會顧問及前理事長、東方美容外科醫學會(OSAPS)台灣國家代表曹賜斌醫師表示,藉由中心成立除了讓白疤醫療國際化,嘉惠全球白疤患者之外,更讓「除白疤 治心疤」成為台灣國際醫療新亮點。與會的立委林岱樺表示,曹賜斌醫師不僅是名醫,更是仁醫,堪稱「白疤之父」,其歷史定位無人能出其右。目前台灣除科技產業在全世界不容忽視之外,其醫療的軟實力亦不容忽視。